Read our Notification of Collection of Personal Information.

BEFRIENDS IS A DIVISION OF DATANOVA CLOUD Pty Ltd ABN 35 627 359 157 collects personal information necessary for online assistance and business purposes of providing various online platforms, including BEFRIENDS, a social network for participant's social engagement and other opportunities for those with disability. 


Collection of personal information

Personal information is primarily collected directly from you when you sign up and submit content to BEFRIENDS. For example, by writing a comment on a post, participating in polls, posting your events, requesting to be contacted over the telephone, or making an online enquiry where you require information. 

1. Personalisation: Collecting user data to help social media platforms personalise the content and experience for each user. For example, data on a user's browsing history and interests can be used to show them relevant ads or posts.

2. People connections: Data can be used to target specific individuals to specific groups of users based on their demographics, interests, or behaviours. This can help to increase the effectiveness of people connecting to people.

3. User engagement: To understand how users interact with the platform and what types of content they engage with the most. This can help to inform decisions about which content to promote and which features to develop.

4. User research: Conduct research on users and understand their preferences, behaviours, and demographics. This can help to inform the development of new products and services.

5. Security and fraud detection: Detect and prevent security threats and fraudulent activity on the platform. For example, data can be used to identify and block accounts that engage in spam or phishing.

6. Compliance: To ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as those related to data privacy and user consent.
It's important to note that BEFRIENDS collection of user data is done in an ethical and transparent manner. We inform users of the data is being collected, and how it will be used. And to ensure that the data is protected and kept secure.


BEFRIENDS also collects personal information when it is required or authorised by or under a relevant Australian Act.

BEFRIENDS does not collect credit card details. BEFRIENDS is a free service for participants.


Purpose of Collection

BEFRIENDS collects personal information for:

  • Operating BEFRIENDS business divisions as set out in our Public Privacy Policy;
  • Providing online services and support services to the public;
  • Assessing the suitability of individuals seeking to social with and receive services from BEFRIENDS and providing those services to eligible individuals, such as:


  • Sending communications to keep people up to date with our latest activities;
  • Where you have applied for employment with BEFRIENDS, assessing your suitability for employment;
  • Providing you with an online social service.

"BEFRIENDS must collect all or some relevant personal information to fulfil its purposes properly, functions and obligations or adequately provide its services. For example, BEFRIENDS may not be able to appropriately assess whether an individual is eligible to participate in BEFRIENDS service.


All information that BEFRIENDS collects is necessary and relevant for our purposes, and we will not seek to collect personal information from you which is not reasonably necessary. BEFRIENDS discourages the practice of spam. If you receive a message from us and no longer wish to receive notifications from us, please ensure that you unsubscribe in the manner outlined in the statement.


Usual Disclosure of personal information

BEFRIENDS may disclose some kinds of personal information to other entities, bodies or persons in accordance with legislation (including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)), including:

  • The Australian Commonwealth Government and the Queensland State Government, including relevant departments and authorities applicable to the services which BEFRIENDS provide;
  • Australian Cyber Security Agency; 
  • Parent(s) or legal guardians; 


Access and correction of personal information and complaints policy

Information regarding your rights to access and correct your personal data held by BEFRIENDS, your rights to a complaint if you are concerned about your privacy or handling of your personal information, and how BEFRIENDS will deal with such a complaint is contained on the NDIS website publically available. 


BEFRIENDS's Public Privacy Policy is located here.

Alternatively, you can request a copy of our Public Privacy Policy free of charge by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Don't hesitate to contact the Client Liasion Officer via the contact details above.

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